Our next chapter is starting...

Good morning, Seekers and welcome back! (Is it too late to say Happy New Year?).

I hope you have all had a good break, in any case.

It’s been a while since our last post and there are several things going on in the background which I’m keen to make you aware of.

Firstly, as you may remember our twice weekly newsletters have been made possible thanks to a grant from Innovate UK. That funding has now ended so we are in the process of putting together the plans and resources to maintain the newsletter.

That will mean changes to the current format in the short term. We won’t be publishing as regularly right now – though our goal is to build things back up again to where they were as soon as we can do so sustainably.

It just may take us a little longer while we secure further funds to commission more of the original, in-depth journalism you have told us you value so much, and to cover our basic running costs. We will, of course share regular updates on our progress.

But, hey that’s start-ups for you.

Another change I want to make you aware of is that the time has come for me to step away from The Seeker. I'm very proud of its impact and growth over the last year. Each edition is now going out to 1,300 of you, but I'm not able to give it the commitment it needs to succeed at the moment.

I have agreed to hand over to the team that have been around The Seeker as we’ve been growing over the past year – you’ll hear more from them very shortly.

Shaun will also be staying involved as part of the team, too and the commitment to producing high-quality, in-depth, journalism for Norwich and the surrounding area remains as strong as ever.

But from me, a personal thank you for all the support you have given The Seeker so far.

And here’s to the next chapter!


Founder, The Norwich Seeker