What our readers say

We carried out a survey of our readers in October 2022 to find out what they thought of The Seeker. Almost everyone who answered (98%!) said they'd recommend it to a friend. Here are some of their comments:

"In depth, well-researched, thoughtful content that can be trusted."
"Independent journalism focused on the city I live and work in, by people who are trustworthy and experienced."
"Local journalism which the regional papers often miss. It feels genuine, and I fear that other local journalism has gone the way of clickbaiting headlines."
"Good facts and details. I like the focus on one particular topic affecting Norwich each week."
"I like the way it comes into my email box every week ready to read. I like it and I feel it is very important to support local journalism."
"In depth coverage of things that matter locally and what appears to be fair and unbiased."
"Very in depth about how national issues impact Norwich, enjoy it being once a week on a Saturday."
"Good depth of information on the subjects and exposing the problems."
"Well written analysis of issues on my doorstep that interest/ impact on me/ my family."