Can £10 billion stop the sewage?

Our Wednesday round-up includes the latest from Anglian Water on stopping sewage spills.

Can £10 billion stop the sewage?
The 8th Norwich Sea Scouts are based near one of the Wensum's storm overflow drains. Photo: Sea Scouts

Greetings from The Seeker!  It's Shaun here with your Wednesday round-up.

Pass it On!

Word is spreading about what we are trying to do at The Seeker, with more than 730 people now signed up. We've also partnered with Chatterbox, Norwich's talking newspaper to reach their 300 visually-impaired members on audio.

Our plan is simple let our stories do the talking. There's no fancy ad campaigns here (we don't have the money for that) - and that's where you come in as part of our Seeker community. Thank you to everyone who is doing their bit for us and spreading the word.

📰 Today's edition

💧A drop in the ocean? Anglian Water's bid to tackle sewage spills

🅿️ Park parking: A Seeker reader's quest on Eaton Park charges

🏳️‍🌈 Pride Weekend: What's happening around the city

💡 Spotlight: The work of Norfolk Community Law Service

🏉 Rugby union: Why two city clubs are merging

The Wednesday Window

A-HA: Alan Partridge at the Anglia Square premiere of Alpha Papa in 2013. Photo: Rob Dodsworth

It was a decade ago this week that Steve Coogan brought the crowds to Anglia Square for the premiere of Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa. And one Seeker subscriber, Rob Dodsworth, remembers being there with the camera.

"I had just gone part-time as a photographer and was wondering what I was going to do when I saw a post on Facebook about something happening at City Hall about the 'Anglia Square not Leicester Square' campaign so I grabbed my camera and went to take a look," he recalled.

Rob soon found himself acting as a photographer for the grassroots campaign to bring the premiere to the city and was on hand to get this iconic shot of Alan flying in for the Anglia Square premiere. And it was the spur he needed to give up his job as a social worker and make a go of being a full-time photographer. Check out Rob's work at Brand Story Studio.

If you're a creative type with a painting, photo or illustration you'd like us to feature in our Wednesday Window, get in touch.

Ok, let's get going!