Less religious, more diverse & forever young - what the latest census tells us about Norwich

What the 2021 Census tells us about the city.

Less religious, more diverse & forever young - what the latest census tells us about Norwich
The real Eternal City. Credit: Helen Steed via Wikimedia Commons


This week, I've been going through lots of data from the 2021 Census which came out a few days ago. Once you get into it, it is fascinating, telling you a huge amount about different areas and the make up of their population.

There are tens of thousands of columns of data, but for Norwich, I've drawn four main conclusions. You can explore it for yourself on the ONS website.

We've also got a piece explaining how Norwich managed to avoid the ambulance strike and some nice images of how part of the city centre could become much greener, plus the usual weekend guide. πŸ‘‡