A bright new dawn for Norwich

Greetings from The Seeker and a warm welcome to our new Wednesday edition!

A bright new dawn for Norwich
Norfolk Fields #1 - by Norwich-based landscape artist Ben Kendall

Greetings from The Seeker and a warm welcome to our new Wednesday edition!

It's Shaun here with your midweek digest of what's moving and shaking in the world of our fine city's politics, business and communities.

I like to look on the bright side and it seems that you do too as more of you are signing up to our Norwich newsletter. Keep spreading the word among your friends, families and networks to help us deliver The Seeker into more mailboxes every Wednesday and Saturday. And thank you for doing your bit to support the kind of independent sustainable in-depth journalism our city needs.

We're also looking for freelance contributors so why not write for us too?

πŸ“° Today's edition

Here's what's coming up

  • Running out of road - Will rocketing interest rates finally put paid to the Norwich Western Link?
  • Wensum Lodge update - controversial closure plans to come under scrutiny
  • A new dawn for Big C - Today marks the official opening of the new Big C Centre in Dereham Road.
  • Carbon diet - How Norwich City Council is cutting the carbs
  • South Norfolk piles on the pressure - the heat is on for National Grid as council takes them to task over pylon plans (see what I did there)
  • Norfolk Network at 20 and some tips for those new to Norwich's networking scene

But first...