Parents' SEND schools plea

Meeting the demand for special needs places

Parents' SEND schools plea
Parents at the SEND Reform rally outside the Forum. Photo Shaun Lowthorpe

Good morning from The Seeker

On Friday dozens of parents met outside the Forum demanding more is done to meet the special educational needs of their children.

It was an emotional occasion - many wiped away tears as they heard how families had fought legal battles to secure a special school place for their child, while others had been forced to keep daughters and sons at home because a suitable mainstream school place offering the right support could not be found.

Today we look at why parents are struggling to get the support they need, the impact on schools, and learn about 'Local Inclusion First' a six year plan brokered earlier this year between Norfolk County Council and the Department for Education to increase both the number of special needs school places and support for mainstream schools.

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