The real costs of eating out in Norwich 🍽️

Richard Hughes, chef director at The Assembly House, in Norwich describes the challenges of running a restaurant.

The real costs of eating out in Norwich 🍽️
Richard Hughes, Chef Director at the Assembly House

Good morning from The Seeker!

If you enjoy eating out in the city you've probably noticed that several venues have been shutting up for good of late.

Today sees Doner bei Tante Anne in Wensum Street closing its doors for the last time after owner Anne Schröer said she was stepping back for a better work-life balance.

That said other venues are opening too - if you haven't tried the new No 33 in Chapelfield Gardens it's well worth a look.

So today's feature is a new addition to our usual menu of in-depth stories as Richard Hughes, chef director at The Assembly House, has written his own revealing personal account of the challenges of running and maintaining a hospitality business in the current economic climate.

We hope you enjoy reading it.

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