The battle over the UEA’s future + help save the walk-in centre

This week we're looking at what has gone wrong at the UEA and launch a petition to save the walk-in centre.

The battle over the UEA’s future + help save the walk-in centre
The future direction of the UEA is at stake. Credit: John Fielding via Wikimedia Commons

Hello and welcome back,

We’re covering two big topics this week which will affect the city's future; cuts at the UEA and proposals to shut the walk-in centre.

I had planned to publish a longer read on homelessness, but these events have overtaken that for now and we’ll do it at a later date instead.

So let's jump in! 🏊‍♀️

The battle over the UEA’s future

To read the introduction to the University of East Anglia’s 2030 vision is to step into an educational utopia.

"We’ll grow our campus and provide the best facilities and most technologically advanced learning. We’ll deliver unrivalled support and a high quality learning experience to provide everyone with the skills they need for the future."

It ends with:

"We’re going to think bold, do things differently and lead the way by building on our greatest strength – our talented staff."

Sadly things aren’t working out that way. The UEA faces several problems - falling student numbers, a campus which needs modernising and budget problems. This has now come to a head and its talented staff will find out next month how many of them could lose their jobs.