'A duty to investigate'

We examine the deaths of two Norfolk police officers, two weeks apart, in suspected suicides.

'A duty to investigate'
Bethel Street Police Station. Credit: The Seeker

Good morning from The Seeker,

When Tom set up this newsletter, he promised that we would join the dots and try to explain things to help you make sense of the big issues affecting us all in and around Norwich.

Earlier this week, we found out that two Norfolk police officers died two weeks apart in suspected suicides, while under investigation by the Constabulary.

It started with a phone call. "Did you know two police officers are dead?", the caller said.

I have spent all week trying to confirm the details of what happened, how it has impacted staff and what is being done to support those involved.

The Seeker has also learned that a third officer, who was under investigation by the force’s misconduct team, attempted to take their own life around the same time.

I said to you when I started as editor that we would seek to condemn less and understand more, so I've tried to report this story as sensitively as possible and have followed the Samaritans reporting guidelines.

Thank you for reading,
