A city transformed: Did £32m travel plan deliver for Norwich? 🚌

What the Dutch told me about creating a liveable city.

A city transformed: Did £32m travel plan deliver for Norwich? 🚌
A new electric bus passes a Beryl bike user at Tombland, Photo: Shaun Lowthorpe

Good morning Seekers!

Firstly hello to the 173 Seekers (yes really) that have signed up since last Saturday - including the 33 since Wednesday.

I'm really touched to see so many people supporting what we do - including the 14 people who have so very kindly bought us 17 'coffees' in the last week.

Your support really means a lot to us. 🙏

📰 Today's edition

Friday was your last chance to comment on a new walking and cycling strategy for Norfolk which has ambitions of getting us to find alternatives to our car for half of the journeys we make in the city and our market towns by 2030.

But what will that look like in practice?

I've been spending the last few weeks looking at where we are headed as a city and county and what it will take to get us there, gathering information from Norfolk County Council and interviewing local campaign groups.

I've also been talking to Chris Bruntlett from the Dutch Cycling Embassy (yes it is a thing) to see what advice they have for cities such as ours trying to navigate away from cars as the main mode of transport.

He shared with me this really cool website where you can use AI to re-imagine your street Dutch style. You can see one of my efforts later on.

Thank you for reading The Seeker.

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