Surfers, storms and sewage: a day out at Mundesley beach 🏄‍♀️

Ed Spencer investigates the impact of storm surges.

Surfers, storms and sewage: a day out at Mundesley beach 🏄‍♀️
Surfing the waves in Norfolk: Photo: Laura Tort

Good morning Seekers!

I hope you are all managing to keep warm this winter weekend? I don't know about you but I've got so used to the milder temperatures at this time of year that I'd almost forgotten that this is what we used to think the weather was supposed to be like.

Word really has started to spread about The Seeker and what we are trying to do to bring sustainable independent journalism to our fine city and surrounding areas.

I'm regularly getting messages from you saying how you are hearing people talking about us and our twice weekly newsletters.

It's really motivational for me to hear this and tells me we must be doing something right (or at least on the right lines).

A big welcome too to the 21 Seekers who have joined us since Wednesday - that means that there are 142 more readers since this time last week and a total of 1242 members signed up.

This is a growing movement, Seekers, and means we have more than doubled our numbers since I started in July.

As you know our Innovate UK funding ends later this month, and then we're on our own. But we are so close to breaking through, and we're working hard to map out a way forward. It might be bumpy ahead, but we've come so far, haven't we?

And as someone told me once 'keep going, you'll get there'.

I also wanted to say a massive thank you to the 10 of you who have bought us 14 'coffees' since Wednesday. Your kind comments really inspire me, too, so thank you!

Now, on to today's long read. As you may remember I want The Seeker to be a place where the next generation of journalists can cut their teeth.

So I'm delighted to introduce Ed Spencer, who is completing his NCTJ diploma. Ed's come to journalism a bit later in his career after having decided during lockdown that he wanted to change course and give it a go.

Ed has been investigating the state of our waters talking to North Norfolk MP Duncan Baker and Anglian Water about issues around sewage and storm surges.

And while it may be cold outside, his story takes us back to summer and a day at the beach in Mundesley, when Katherine Goodhew got sick.

Thank you for reading The Seeker!