Is Norwich's literary crown at risk? πŸ“š

Norwich's literary culture is a firmly-held part of the city's identity, but writers are uneasy about UEA cuts.

Is Norwich's literary crown at risk? πŸ“š
Book Benches in Upper St Giles From left: Rachel Hore (A Gathering Storm), Ashley Hickson-Lovence (Your Show) and Joyce Dunbar (Mouse and Mole). Photo: Experience Project

Good morning from The Seeker!

Firstly, welcome to our new subscribers and thank you to those of you who have been kind enough to share your thoughts on The Seeker. This message from a new reader really struck a chord with me.

"I have really enjoyed the newsletter. I feel more connected to the area as a result."

Creating a sense of place and belonging is a big part of what The Seeker is about.

All of which leads me nicely on to today's article from Jessica Frank-Keyes who is exploring Norwich's heritage as a 'City of Stories' and what might be lost amid the UEA cuts and as its creative writing school enters a new chapter.

Enjoy your weekend, and thank you for supporting The Seeker!


P.S. I'm on holiday next week so there will be no Wednesday edition but we will be back on Saturday August 5. 😎