Can Norwich hit net zero?

We look at what is already being done and what more will need to be done to get to net zero.

Can Norwich hit net zero?
Transport emissions are still rising but overall Norwich has come a long way in CO2 reductions.

Hello and welcome back to The Seeker,

This week’s edition is all about how, if and when Norwich can get its carbon dioxide emissions to net zero (or at least as close as possible). Getting there by 2050 is the world’s best chance, scientist’s believe, of keeping temperature rises to 1.5C, which, although certainly not the end of our problems, should avoid the worst climate change catastrophes.

We'll hear from a city businessman planting one million trees, look at the world’s only certified electric aircraft - currently in a hangar at Norwich Airport - and talk to an artist about the role the city's creative scene can play.

We’ve also got a map showing emissions for every neighbourhood, so you can compare with your neighbour. 🕵️‍♀️  

Finally, we have five climate-friendly ideas you can start today which cost nothing. 🌍



‘Norfolk is on the frontline’

The world of net zero is filled with charts, but the most important one for Norwich can be found on a corner of the city council’s website.