The cost of this new road has soared by £100 every minute - is it going to happen?

What next for the Western Link?

The cost of this new road has soared by £100 every minute - is it going to happen?
The Western Link will need to cross the protected Wensum valley. Image: Norfolk County Council 

The battle over the biggest infrastructure project in Norwich since the NDR is heating up.

This week, the latest consultation ends on the Western Link - a four-mile road costing £250m which the county council is hoping to build on the edge of Norwich by 2026.

Thousands of people have signed petitions both for and against it. And last week it was included on a Government list of roads which could be fast-tracked.

What is it?

The Western Link is sometimes referred to as the ‘missing link’. It is a 3.9-mile stretch of road that would link the A47 near Honingham, in the south, to the western end of Broadland Northway (the NDR), in the north, thus completing the outer bypass.

The 'missing link' route. Image: Norfolk County Council

Why it matters