Why no new homes have been approved for six months (and why that could soon change)

Water pollution means no new homes have got planning approval in Norwich for the last six months. We look at the impact and solutions.

Why no new homes have been approved for six months (and why that could soon change)
Racecourse Plantation remains a home for wildlife after plans for new homes were withdrawn - temporarily

Hello and welcome back to The Seeker!

This week we turn our attention to housing and how, with a nod to last week’s edition, planning permission for all new homes around Norwich has been put on ice for the last six months because of fears about water pollution. It is a rare victory for the environment, but has been driving developers up the wall.

However, that could all change in the next few months, if the government gets its way. On Friday it said it would "reform" environmental rules (i.e. rip them up) to get house building going again as part of its 'Growth Plan'.

So what happens next?